
Showing posts from September, 2020

Breathe for You

Layers. There are so many layers. We start out as a seed in our mothers womb, which was also a seed in her mothers womb, and on and on. We have been carried around for generations unbeknownst to ourselves. Have you ever heard of such a thing as generational trauma? For me and many others, it is real. September is suicide awareness month. If you have read my blogs or posts then you will know that I am unashamed about mental health and my journey with it. There is a history of suicide in my family. There are traumas woven throughout my heritage, as like many of yours. So what else can I do but face it. I sure as heck haven't been able to escape it or the effects of it, no matter how hard I have tried. Stuffing it, numbing it, talking through it, giving it to God, are all part of my journey. There doesn't seem to be a one size fits all answer.  painted rocks for suicide awareness from a friend and her group of amazing people Today, I'm writing about a simple yet p

Sunsets in Summer

Summer Ohio In a year like 2020 has been for so many, I am shifting my eyes and my attention to the gifts all around me. We are so blessed in this state with all sorts of amazing places to STOP and notice God's glory and  masterpiece. What are you focusing on these days?  This is a picture taken at Lake Erie Bluffs. It is by far my favorite picture. The tiger lily was placed there to help me capture some extra color. I absolutely love the way it turned out. (Thank you God!!!)  This is another picture, another flower, same sunset, same place, just a few steps over and a few minutes before. I don't have to edit God's work 😁 There are hundreds of amazing photos of God's handiwork on my phone. I'm going to start showcasing it here on the blog site. It's hard for me to keep it to myself because I know its a reminder of God's promise to me and to all of you.  Thank you God for blessing us with a sunset and a sunrise. The color